TaMara Roberts
Being in the present, with hopes for the future, we are indeed bigger than our past. While it may be hard for some to see this or crawl out from under the weight that wants to keep them down and never rise to seize new opportunities, here is an experience map from one so dear to help us see that some scars may be deep and more painful than one thinks. But in all, succumbing to these dark moments TAMARA ROBERTS, MBA, was once a victim, turned victor!
They could end up ruining us and like clothes, some wear their hopes backward and dream of better days while looking at their past, wishing and taking firm walks backward when they shouldn't be. These aren't the alignment to the dreams we want. Not the future we aspire for ourselves. All we have to do is free our minds and let go of our worries as we seek out that singular factor, where our hopes and dreams don't coincide with our past.
And here goes the story of TaMara, Her life teaches us not to settle, for no matter how loud the voice of the past may be, the progress of the future will definitely be much louder if we propel ourselves to move in the right direction. And as for this height, never stop, and be proud of your Scars. Wear them like an achievement. Make the past silent and let your future sing. We can reach our desired height, and all unknown comforts beyond the stars. We just have to believe we can get there, then work towards it.
TaMara chooses to live with intention, while being bold in the face of adversity and live the life she was for. She is an established business owner with 25 years in the real estate industry, she is a broker, co-owns a real estate team and most importantly she is the CEO of her life. Here is her story.